Alexis Park is a well-established neighbourhood located just northwest of downtown Vernon, offering a blend of convenience and community charm. It's a popular choice for families and professionals due to its proximity to key amenities. Residents can enjoy walking access to the Alexis Park Elementary School, the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre, Kal Tire Place (home to hockey games and events), and a variety of recreational options like the Vernon Curling Rink and local parks such as Becker Park. The neighbourhood is also close to major shopping areas and provides easy access to bus routes, making it a central and connected part of Vernon. With green spaces and parks nearby, it is a great area for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy walking trails and access to nature. Alexis Park offers a range of housing options, from single-family homes to condos, making it suitable for different types of buyers looking for urban convenience without being in the city center. It's a community-focused neighbourhood where families and retirees alike can enjoy a balanced lifestyle with nearby schools, recreation, and services.
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