Coldstream is a beautiful community located just southeast of Vernon, known for its stunning natural landscapes and proximity to Kalamalka Lake. This area is characterized by a blend of agricultural heritage, with orchards, vineyards, and large working farms like the historic Coldstream Ranch, alongside residential neighborhoods such as Middleton Mountain and Kalamalka Lakeshore. These neighborhoods offer scenic views, rolling hills, and access to the vibrant outdoors, making it a desirable place to live for families and outdoor enthusiasts alike. Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park, located in Coldstream, provides a wealth of recreational opportunities, including hiking, biking, and water sports like kayaking, paddleboarding, and boating. Residents also enjoy the Okanagan Rail Trail, which winds along the lake, offering a scenic route for walking or cycling. Coldstream provides a quieter, rural feel while being just a short drive from Vernon, making it a convenient yet peaceful place to live. The community is also close to amenities, including local restaurants like Rail Trail Café and Alexander's Beach Pub, as well as schools such as Coldstream Elementary and Kalamalka Secondary. It's an ideal location for those seeking a mix of tranquility, outdoor adventure, and easy access to urban conveniences.
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