Upper Carmi and the Penticton Rural areas offer an enchanting combination of secluded, nature-filled living with the convenience of being close to city amenities. Known for its sweeping views of Okanagan Lake, Upper Carmi is one of Penticton’s most desirable neighbourhoods. The stunning lake vistas, paired with its proximity to Penticton Airport, make this a great spot for those who enjoy both serene landscapes and the excitement of watching planes come and go. Just 10 minutes from the beach and the heart of the city, Upper Carmi perfectly balances peaceful, rural charm with the convenience of nearby services, making it highly attractive to homebuyers. For those seeking a more private and adventurous lifestyle, the rural area around Carmi provides spacious 10-acre forested properties. These homes are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, with plenty of room for activities like dirt biking and exploring nearby camping lakes. Additionally, this area serves as a scenic back route to Big White and Kelowna, enhancing its appeal as a recreational hub. The breathtaking landscape gives residents the feel of a mountain retreat, with the added bonus of panoramic lake and valley views. The combination of scenic beauty, outdoor adventure, and easy access to both Penticton’s amenities and nearby outdoor destinations makes Upper Carmi and the surrounding rural area a prime choice for those looking to enjoy the best of the Okanagan lifestyle.
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