The Foothills neighborhood in Vernon, BC, is a highly sought-after residential area known for its picturesque setting and proximity to nature. Nestled on the way to Silver Star Ski Resort, this community offers stunning views of both Okanagan and Kalamalka Lakes, making it a prime location for those who enjoy scenic vistas and outdoor activities. Residents have easy access to a variety of hiking trails, such as the Grey Canal Trail and BX Creek and Falls Trail, providing plenty of opportunities for nature walks and outdoor adventures. With Silver Star Resort just a short drive away, the neighborhood is ideal for skiing, snowboarding, and other year-round recreational activities. While the area offers a peaceful, nature-centric lifestyle, it is still only a short drive to the amenities of Vernon, making it necessary to have a vehicle for errands and commuting. Homes in the Foothills are typically spacious and modern, with a variety of property types, including family homes with suites, perfect for rental income or extended family living. This blend of tranquility, proximity to recreational activities, and accessibility to urban amenities makes the Foothills an attractive neighborhood for families, retirees, and outdoor enthusiasts alike.
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