Predator Ridge, located just outside Vernon, is one of Canada's premier resort communities. Spanning 1,300 acres, it offers an exceptional blend of luxury living and an active, outdoor lifestyle. Known for its two award-winning 18-hole golf courses, Predator Ridge is a year-round destination with a vibrant community and numerous amenities. Residents enjoy access to a state-of-the-art fitness centre, tennis and pickleball courts, yoga facilities, and over 35 km of multi-use trails that connect to nearby parks. The community offers a range of housing options, from contemporary homes with stunning views of Lake Okanagan and the surrounding mountains, to luxurious estates. With close proximity to lakes, wineries, and Kelowna International Airport, Predator Ridge is perfect for those seeking an active lifestyle paired with the conveniences of a resort community. The area also hosts various social events, encouraging a close-knit community atmosphere. For outdoor enthusiasts, the hiking, biking, and golfing opportunities make Predator Ridge an idyllic place to call home.
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