Westmount is a charming neighbourhood known for its affordability and suburban feel. It offers a relaxed, family-friendly atmosphere with a population of around 2,200. Westmount is considered one of the more affordable areas in Vernon, with a cost of living slightly lower than the city average, making it appealing for those looking for a budget-conscious option in the region. The neighbourhood is known for its relatively low rent and higher affordability compared to other areas in Vernon. The area is ideal for families, given its proximity to schools and parks, although the education system here has room for improvement. Despite this, many residents enjoy the peaceful residential environment and convenient access to nearby amenities, such as shopping centers, schools, and recreational areas. Westmount also has a strong sense of community and offers a quieter lifestyle while remaining close to the urban conveniences of Vernon. With its balance of affordability and family-oriented amenities, it’s a great option for those seeking a comfortable place to settle in the Okanagan region.
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